Response to treatment at week 48 :

Viral suppression was high in both treatment arms, for various subgroups including patientswith HIV RNA > 100 000 c/mLat baseline
Mean CD4/mm3 increase at W48 :
+ 207 (EVG/c/FTC/TDF) vs
+ 211 (ATV/r + FTC/TDF)
Response to treatment at week 96 and week 144 :

Response to treatment at week 144 :

No treatment difference in virologic success for various subgroups, including patients with HIV RNA > 100,000 c/mL at baseline, except for adherence ≥ 95 % (favoring EVG/c/FTC/TDF)

* p = 0.018
Virologic failure definition
- Suboptimal virologic response : 2 consecutive visits with HIV RNA ≥ 50 c/mLand <1 log10 c/mL below baseline at or after week 8
- Virologic rebound (2 consecutive visits with HIV RNA either ≥ 400 c/mL after achieving HIV RNA < 50 c/mL, or >1 log10 c/mL increase from nadir)
- HIV RNA ≥ 400 c/mL at their last visit (at or after week 8)
Criteria for resistance testing
- Virological failure or HIV RNA ≥ 400 c/mL at study discontinuation(at or after W8 and taking study drug)

* Q148R, N = 2, N155H, N = 1, T66I + E92Q + N155H, N = 1 ; ** 1 had also M184V + K65R and 2 M184V
Resistance data at week 144

* INSTI + NRTI resistance, N = 3, ** INSTI + NRTI resistance, N = 1
Treatment-emergent adverse events leading to premature discontinuation of study drugs

Treatment-emergent adverse events occurring in > 10% of patients in either group (week 48)

Laboratory test results at week 48

Median change in serum creatinine (mmol/L) concentration from baseline

Discontinuations due to renal event